When Maitimo opened his eyes next, the room was empty, and voices were coming from beyond the closed door.
"Thank you, brother. We'll take it from here," Pityo's voice sounded muffled, probably due to the thickness of the door.
"And get some sleep. We'll be fine!" Telvo added playfully. "Two's company, you know. Three's a crowd."
Turko said something quietly, and the two laughed. Then there were steps—one elda walking away—and the door creaked open, as the two young elves slipped in, trying to be as quiet as possible.
The little room where the wounded Maitimo lay resting was just large enough for the wounded elda and one attendant at best. However, the twins—who could make themselves just as loud and obnoxious as the rest of the brothers—somehow were able to pipe down enough to not make it feel crowded.